Thursday, April 3, 2008

Nothing in Paticular

I don't really use online blogs too much and here's why.

1. nothing major happens in my life.
2. I rarely get the chance to write down what little life I'm thrown.

I do however have alot to say just never really sure how to put it on paper or in this case online text. Like I've mentioned before, I'm much more suited to being asked a series of questions and giving information that way. But considering that this blog will most likely nto reach the general public due to the fact that in my own searchings on this site I do not see a basic search engine, it doesn't really matter what I say or that anyone will give a damn to read it.

If someone does, though the chances are more slim then an anorexicn toothpick, I would like to let them know that I am looking to make new friends that I can have descent, mature conversations with, whether we discuss simple or complexed things.

I'm particularly trying to reach out to my fellow wiccan-goth-geek-nerd-artistic-outcast-and just plain freaks. The closest I've come to those categories are my close gun toating, redneck friends(I mean that as a compliment). I've had more fun with my 'guy' friends then I ever had with the female friends I've known in the past.

I will write more when I am inspired to do so.

Best regards

The Apocalydite